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电机机械维修基础 (2nd Edition)

  • 2010年1月
  • 视图数:11624
  • 物品等级:4.0

机械维修基础Fundamental to every good mechanical repair is the ability to disassemble, repair and reassemble the motor correctly without unnecessary damage to 任何 of the motor parts. This sounds simple, and yet too m任何 costly mistakes are made in this process of taking things apart. If every motor repaired was in “as new” condition, the task would be much simpler. But this would be no guarantee that the reassembly would be correct.

​There is usually an easy way and a hard way to remove and install parts. Brute force is seldom the easiest or the correct way. The old saying of “don’t force it, get a bigger hammer” is seldom the best way.

When a service center is paid to repair equipment, the service center wants it to stay in operation. If the equipment fails again—within the warranty period—the service center pays to repair it again. It makes sense to repair it correctly the first time.

In order to improve equipment, it is important to know how and where it operates. 不知道电机为什么会故障, it is impossible to deliberately improve its mean time between failures.

To do this, there must be communication between the service center and the motor user. Not only does this help the repairer decide the best course of action, but it helps the user appreciate the professionalism of the service center.

修复程序, like motors themselves, are affected by changes in technology. This book attempts to include the la测试 proven technologies. Time-honored methods of repair, in m任何 cases, may still be the most practical option. Options presented throughout this book are intended to help the technician select the appropriate repair method, recognizing that the ultimate decision rests with the equipment owner.

修理方法有时不受欢迎, 不是因为引进了更好的方法, 而是因为糟糕的技术. Other repair methods are well-suited to some applications but not to others. It is the job of the repairer to decide what is the best method for each case.

This book is divided into sections for basic motor components with repair methods and 提示 dispersed throughout. Where practical, reasons for failures are also discussed. These will aid the technician in selecting the most appropriate method of repair for each unique application.

The information presented draws from EASA publications, IEEE出版物, technical journals and literature supplied by vendors, 汽车制造商和建立服务中心.

This book contains m任何 suggestions on how to correctly handle the various parts of a motor during the repair process so as to minimize damage. However, it is impossible to develop an all-inclusive list. 而不是, the basic principle of taking the time to use the correct tool and correct procedure will usually lead the technician down the right path. 永远记住, 如果这是迫不得已, it might be that neither the proper tool or procedure is being used or something is wrong with the parts. 退后一步,问问自己:“我忽略了什么??”


  1. 汽车术语
  2. 电机应用和外壳
  3. 测试及检验程序
  4. 电机拆卸技巧
  5. 轴承
  6. Bearing Housing Repair, Shaft Openings, Seals and Fits
  7. 转子
  8. 电机装配
  9. 电机配件和接线盒
  10. 汽车动力学
  11. 振动与电机几何
  12. 轴和轴承电流
  13. 防爆电机的特殊注意事项
  14. 机械部件故障
  15. 杂项维修

This book is available as part of EASA's Fundamentals of 机械 Repair seminar.

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从你的电动马达得到最多-封面This 40-page booklet provides great advice for obtaining the longest, most efficient and cost-effective operation from general and definite purpose electric motors.


  • 安装、启动和基线信息
  • 运行监控和维护
  • 电机和基线安装数据
  • 如何阅读电机铭牌
  • 运动存储建议

了解更多并下载 MÁs informaciÓn y descargar 购买印刷本




The Effect of Repair/Rewinding on Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors
Tests prove Premium Efficiency/IE3 Motors can be rewound without degrading efficiency.


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ANSI / EASA AR100-2015封面

Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus
This is a must-have guide to the repair of rotating electrical machines. Its purpose is to establish recommended practices in each step of the rotating electrical apparatus rewinding and rebuilding processes.


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The 欧洲航空安全局技术手册 is the association's definitive and most complete publication. 它是可用的 免费的 以在线形式发给会员. Members can also download PDFs of the entire manual or individual sections.

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